The Blame Game

The Blame Game

The Blame Game guy moves through life at his own pace.  Totally pre-occupied with himself, he walks around with his head down, hands in his pockets, kicking rocks along the “road of life.”   He can be found mumbling to himself that everything is too hard, nothing is his fault; and if only……this or if only that…… Nothing is ever his fault; for instance, his divorce.  Blame Game says SHE is the one who had an affair; he always did everything right and she always did everything wrong.  He doesn’t understand why “bad things always happen to good guys” – we assume that he is referring to himself in this instance.

He has a million excuses.  His Mommy did not love him enough, his Daddy was away from home too much, his sister was always the favorite.  The Blame Game Guy is usually a downer to be around; he seems depressed and oh, so helpless.  It is almost as if, as a baby, he was taken away from breast-feeding too early in his life.  He has stories of how women have used and abused him his whole life and all throughout the abuse, he never once had the strength to stand up for himself.

Blame Game can never help himself get out of situations he has gotten himself into without help from a strong woman.  To strong women everywhere:  Does this sound familiar?

WOMEN:  So many times, we as women want to believe everything he says and never think that he should be blamed for anything.  Then we don’t have to think ahead to the time when everything will be our fault if the relationship does not work out!

MEN:  Spare me the excuses.  Only weenies blame other people in their lives for all of their problems.  I have an idea…why don’t you stand up and be a man and take responsibility for your screw-ups?

Author: Lu Burris

I am a writer and self-styled Relationship Guru. People have always sought me out for advice on relationships and I have written down many stories over the years.

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